Sunday, February 17, 2008

Team Consulting with CCC Mexican National Team

On Monday I traveled by bus to Puebla. At the invitation of the Mexico National Team of CCC, I was there to help them work together more effectively. They have some significant challenges both internal and external. Kim Cranson had made the arrangements and set up the schedule for my time. As I have gotten to know Kim and her husband Robin, I have a great appreciation for them. It was great to be back in Puebla. I meet with the team on Monday night and I enjoyed seeing Carlos Miranda, Steve and Terry Morgan again. On Tuesday I met non-stop with team members individually or as couples to review their Birkman report. On Wednesday we meet as a team for twelve hours. Thursday I meet with the Campus Ministry team and then after lunch I continued to meet with individuals and follow-up appointments from the day before. Friday at noon back by bus to Mexico City and then a flight home. I pray that the Lord will use my time with these wonderful people to be a blessing to them.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

City Transformation Minatitalan, Veracruz

Early Saturday morning Agustin and I were off to Minatitlán, a city in the southeastern part of the Mexican state of Veracruz. A pastor of a church and Agustin's good friend named Ceasar invited us to come and a lead a pastor's conference on Saturday and speak in his church on Sunday. We flew to Villa Hermosa which is the capital city of the state of Tabasco where the floods had occurred in the fall. It appeared as we drove through the city that most of the commercial center had recovered, but many of the poor who lived along the river banks were still in need of assistance.

When we arrived there were 80 to 100 people gathered for the meetings. They had actually come from several surrounding cities as well. One of largest oil refineries run by PeMex the national oil company is near Minatitlan. We met in a facility that was owned by the PeMex workers union. After an early lunch, Agustin and I made our City Transformation presentation. It is always a challenge when you are tired from traveling to stay sharp in speaking and then Agustin had to interpret for me, but the Lord was with us and we delivered a strong challenge. We ending the meeting in prayer for the city by having everyone in a circle face outward. That evening we had a great dinner with Ceasar at a local cafe (Sea Bass "VeraCruz" style and homemade corn tortillas!) That we evening we had a great time of fellowship in the Lord. Ceasar told me his life story and what God was doing in his life and ministry. What an encouragement it was to me. God used that time to give me some deep spiritual lessons, but I will save that for later. Sunday morning we had a great time of worship and then Agustin and I gave a message on "The Kingdom." What a great response. A couple from the church drove us back to Villa Hermosa for our return flight to Mexico City. (After really bad service on American Airlines it was a pleasure to fly Mexicana Airlines.)

Mexico City "Enfoque Mexico"

I have continued a ministry friendship with Agustin the former national director of CCC. Agustin also attended the Global Learning Community that Eric Swanson and Sam Williams hosted at the Lost Antler Ranch in Estes Park. Together Agustin and I have been presenting a message of City Transformation to ministry and church leaders in Mexico City. We met the first time in the fall, and on the 24 and 25th of January we made a second presentation in Mexico City. Jorge Dorcas, Jose'(Joe Cross) and Eduardo (Craig Joring of Camp Ed renown). The first day we discussed launching a movement of City Transfomation in Mexico City. We shared some of the lessons we are learning in other cities, we discussed a Biblical framework for working together and for setting a course of direction. Most were very excited. The second day we sought to create an experience of a Leadership Community gathering with both presentation and interaction. It was interesting to watch as these leaders responded to a different way of "meeting" and to a different style of communication. We were encouraged. We also meet several leaders who want to follow through on our time by sharing these ideas through their relational network and to continue to meet with Joe and Craig to discuss a plan for the city!

Denver Student Conferences

There were two student conferences in Denver from January 2 - 6. While the students were meeting I was ministering to the staff leaders of Campus Crusade for Christ and Campus Ventures, a campus ministry in Wyoming and South Dakota. I use the Birkman Method® as a tool to assess strengths, interests, needs and spiritual gift patterns. The individual appointment issues ranged from personal and leadership development, marriage, and ministry career coaching. I also spent time with 25 year CCC staff veterans to discuss the next 25 years of life and ministry.