Thursday, November 01, 2018

A Prayer for My Brothers: Sons of Adam

Red Clay Pots in Pieces on the Ground

How far have we fallen since the days of our youth?

Who can put our broken souls together again and make us whole? Only the worship of the triune God, one person, one soul, with one heart and one personality.  Only the experiential knowledge of the “whole gospel” of promise with the power to save us here and now, with the power to transform us here and now, and with the fullness of glory of the risen Lord of heaven and earth in us and through us here and now.

I pray for myself and my brothers we are “born again to new life” every day. I pray for the bread “manna” of the heavenly realm to cover us each day as the dew covers the dawn of a new day in Athens, Georgia in October. May we by faith have our senses opened to the revealed truth of God so that we may by faith receive the grace of God

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